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with Sean Jensen and Don Seeholzer

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Monday, January 07, 2008

Frazier interview legit?

Vikings defensive coordinator Leslie Frazier is scheduled to speak to Miami Dolphin officials tonight and tomorrow about their vacant head coaching job. But there continues to be alarming stories related to the Dolphins.

According to The Miami Herald, the Dolphins have already hired David Lee as the quarterbacks coach. That's a fairly significant position. So why would the Dolphins do that? Perhaps because they already have picked out their head coach.

Sadly, by interviewing Frazier, the Dolphins would fulfill the Rooney Rule, which requires a team interview a minority candidate before hiring a head coach.

This is a difficult issue, since the spirit of the rule is to promote equity. But, in reality, some good people like Frazier could be dragged through a pointless interview.

If that proves to be the case, the league needs to revisit this whole rule -- or start punishing the teams that make a mockery of it.


Blogger Unknown said...

Sean, wasn't Tomlin's interview supposed to be window-dressing pending Whis/Grimm's coronation? There is no way to avoid teams having a favourite going in--in fact, wouldn't it be absurdly poor business for a team to fire a coach without at least giving some thought to the replacement--all that the rule does is give minority candidates, who might not have been considered, the chance to blow the doors off.

7:00 PM  

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